Sunday, February 10, 2008


Friendships, Loves........ everything can slip away, so readily.
Whether in Virtual Worlds, or Real Ones.

There are moments, where voices try to speak, and unrecognizable sounds come out. People say something but it sounds like something else. Maybe it really is something else.

Reality is in the mind of the Beholder.

Last night i thought i heard the glass of friendship fracture.... cracking slightly. I pray it doesn't shatter.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy February

Been far far too long since i have posted. Life has been very busy working on the play; i find i am hardly building anymore; hit a few classes. I have some great ideas for furniture, and if i get them organized and built, i may rent a store from Lazlo and show them on twilight.

Getting ready for the trip to China, and starting to plan one for Egypt in May 2009. Life is so exciting!

Lately attention is being spent on the play i am co-directing, "How I learned to Drive". In the last few days i have also become in charge of Tech, which if anyone really knows me is terribly funny. what is that arrow button for again? and the square? say that again?

Joe is out of town towards the end of this week. I always feel blue when he is gone, hopefully the play opening will help stave that off.